March 5th - Don't Tell San Diego
March 6th - Don't Tell San Diego
March 12th - Don't Tell San Diego
March 13th - Laugh Factory San Diego
March 20th - La Jolla Comedy Store
March 29th - Porchlight Coffee Shop
Comfy Shirts & A Mug
I wouldn't sell a shirt I wouldn't wear. I wear them all the time!
HUMAN Woman’s
HUMAN Coffee Mug
Summer is winding down!
School is back in Session! What a whirlwind of a summer. So many fun times with friends and my kiddo. Plus lots of great projects all coming together. A feature animated film, ISLA MONSTRO, that I co-wrote with Steven Shea and Stared in with Harland Williams, James Marsters, Spencer Grammer, John Dimaggio and more was unleashed to the world at the San Diego Comic-Con.
VitaWild Hydration went live mid July! A project that started to get myself, my kiddo and my mom to drink more water. We created a delicious hydration mix packed with the vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy and get you to drink more water throughout the day. So proud to launch this awesome family brand with such a great team.
Use promo code JAMES15 for 15% off you first delicious order.
A Rock Opera that I was asked to join in the writing and music for is well into production. This is a production like nothing else I have been involved in. So excited to see this come together!
Hope you are having fun and moving forward with projects you believe in!
I could use your help! Click this link and fill out the form so I know what cities to book shows close to you! —-> LINK <—-
Follow my Socials for all the fun!